JULY 16, 2024

Host: ACE Scholarships, Utah Fits All Scholarship Program Manager
Jackie Guglielmo – Vice President of ESA programs for ACE Scholarships
Norton Rainey – CEO of ACE Scholarships

ACE Scholarships: Good afternoon, everyone.

ACE Scholarships: Thank you so much for joining us for today’s lunch and learn. My name is Jackie Guglielmo. I’m the vice President of ESA programs for ACE Scholarships. And I’ll be leading us through the lunch and learn today.

ACE Scholarships: First, I’d just like to comment that our webinar is being recorded and it’s also being translated. So, we’re going to have the complete English and Spanish translation posted to our website in addition to having the recording of today’s webinar posted to our website as well. And we will be linking to the recording of this webinar in an email that will be a fast follow to our webinar today.

ACE Scholarships: Before we kick off, I would just like to do some introductions again. My name is Jackie Guglielmo. I’m going to be leading today’s webinar, and I’m the Vice President of ESA programs with ACE scholarships. I’m very pleased to introduce our CEO of ACE Scholarships Norton Rainey, who has joined us today for our lunch and learn. Thanks, Norton, for being with us today.

Norton Rainey: Absolutely, Jackie, thank you so much. And to all the parents who’ve joined this for the call, just want to say it’s very nice to meet you through this webinar. I hope I have a chance to also see your faces and meet you in person at some point when I’m in Utah.

Norton Rainey: I’ve been at ACE now for 22 years. ACE has been around for 25 years, and we are really proud to be a part of the State of Utah managing the ESA program. This is very exciting, and, as you all know, the school choice movement in our country is the hottest topic in our country at this time and it’s so exciting that legislators and that parents and people in the country are finally standing up for what’s right. But, more importantly, that people are making decisions to pass meaningful programs like this one here.

Norton Rainey: And so, we couldn’t be more excited and proud to be in Utah and to be providing 10,000 scholarships this year. We also really commend you for your commitment to your child’s education, to your students who are being either homeschooled or enrolled in a private school, or the education that simply is right for you.

Norton Rainey: Our desire today is to really make sure that you have a robust set of options that are best suited for your family, and I want to assure you that our customer service team and everyone involved in this program is very committed to you, and it’s our desire to make this a seamless process.

Norton Rainey: I also recognize that we have made some changes. And this is a really fast moving car at this time.

Norton Rainey: And so, there are many things that are occurring that are just really robust and exciting as this continues to be a fluid program at this time. And so, you’ll hear from Jackie today and our team. We’re here for you, and we thank you once again for your commitment, because what you’re doing is really enabling us to expand the program in Utah as legislators will be looking at this program, and it’s our desire to go from 10,000 students to many more that have that same desire to be educated in the environment that’s right for them.

Norton Rainey: So, thanks again, and if you have any questions, I’d be happy to address them, and I’ll turn it back over to Jackie.

ACE Scholarships: Thank you so much, Norton

ACE Scholarships: So let’s dive in today’s topics that we’re going to cover, there will be some updates to the website portfolios and assessments.

ACE Scholarships: Specifically, we’ll do a bit of a deep dive into Unrulr, and then we’ll talk a bit about expenses.

ACE Scholarships: First, let’s discuss some website updates and I’m going to toggle back and forth between the presentation here today and the website to demonstrate these updates to you.

ACE Scholarships: So, the first update that we’re going to talk about is an Events page which can be found in our navigation bar.

ACE Scholarships: So up here in the Navigation bar you’ll see that there’s a new events page.

ACE Scholarships: If I click here it takes me to a wonderful calendar of events where you can register for each of these webinars individually.

ACE Scholarships: You’ll see here we have a couple of Classwallet webinars coming up, and the registration button is right here available for you to click. So, this will be a static addition to our website and a great way to keep updated.

ACE Scholarships: Next, I want to point out some additional updates to our navigation bar with some really great feedback about accessing the help center. So, I want to specifically call these changes out. And again, I’m going to toggle back over here to our website.

ACE Scholarships: Now, beforehand, we had our help center tab right here under support where anybody could access the general help center. But what we’ve gone ahead and added, is under families, if you click the help center button, it will actually toggle you directly to the family’s page of the help center, so you won’t have to click the families button. It will take you right there.

ACE Scholarships: Same thing will go for our providers just as a point of reference. They will also have a help center button here in their navigation bar, and that will bring them directly to the provider’s website.

ACE Scholarships: Additionally, as most of you know, we have a pre-approval page, and that pre-approval page can be accessed through our families drop down. So, under families, you can select the families page, go directly to the Handbook, to the families section of the help center.

ACE Scholarships: As I just referenced, there is a new area for special education. So, our families who support students who qualify for special education can find information pertaining to their students here on this page.

ACE Scholarships: We, of course, have a link to our expense list. And then here is our pre-approval page, so, we have a link directly there to access.

ACE Scholarships: So, we spoke a bit about the special education page. Additionally, what we’ve done is pulled the new and most frequently accessed help center articles directly onto not only our homepage here, right in front for you to access. If you click view more tags, that will bring you directly to the help center, so no longer will you have to go up to the navigation bar, but you can click this button right here and zoom directly over to the help center. 

ACE Scholarships: But also, if you’re on our families page and you scroll down like I said, we’ve pulled a lot of our frequently asked questions and our newest articles right here on the page. So, you don’t even have to navigate to the help center. But if you wish to, you can click this button here, and that will bring you to the families section of the Help Center, since we’re on the Families page. So, a bit of a more convenient transition there for our families.

ACE Scholarships: We appreciate the great feedback that we’ve gotten about our website. We’re constantly making improvements based on your feedback. So, thank you.

ACE Scholarships: Next, I want to take a bit of a dive into our eligibility requirements. So, as I said in the topics, we’re going to talk a bit about portfolio and assessment.

ACE Scholarships: So, in order to remain eligible for the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program during this school year, the law requires a scholarship student submit either option A.) proof of the scholarship students completion of an assessment OR option B.) A portfolio. And again, this wording is directly from the Utah Fits All law. The portfolio must describe the scholarship student’s educational opportunities and achievements under the program for a given year.

ACE Scholarships: So, you’ll notice for the next couple of slides there’s some language down at the bottom that I do want to take a moment to point out.

ACE Scholarships: It says clearly here that no assessment is required. The completion of an optional assessment under this section satisfies the portfolio qualification. So again, families have an option to choose either the portfolio or an assessment – it’s one or the other, so, just wanted to reiterate that in regard to this eligibility requirement, so one of these 2 options must be submitted prior to the end of the school year.

ACE Scholarships: Later this week will be a place right in the ACE Access portal, where you will be able to select what your option will be for your scholarship students for this upcoming year.

ACE Scholarships: Now you may choose a different option for each of your students, based on their unique educational needs. So, what that means is, if you have two scholarship students, and one’s performance would be better exemplified in an assessment and the other a portfolio, great. You can choose whichever option meets the unique needs of that student

ACE Scholarships: Additionally, you can change this option at any time. So, if you select that you’d like to submit a portfolio and decide to change your mind that an assessment would be a better fit for your student, you can access this page on the ACE access portal and change your selection at any time.

ACE Scholarships: It’s very simple. All you’ll need to do is click a button.

ACE Scholarships: Now, whichever selection that you choose, either the assessment or the portfolio, one of these must be submitted by June 30th, 2025. So, the close of the upcoming school year.

ACE Scholarships: You’ll see here I have a graphic indicating what the ACE Access portal will look like later this week, when this button is launched.

ACE Scholarships: You’ll see a button that says ‘set up now’ and that will take you to a screen where for each scholarship student that’s currently awarded in the program, you’ll be given the options to choose from.

ACE Scholarships: Let’s talk about each option.

ACE Scholarships: First, let’s talk option A.- assessment.

ACE Scholarships: A parent can request that one of the following assessments is administered to their scholarship student, and these are the options that are outlined in the Utah Fits All law.

ACE Scholarships: First is a standards assessment.

ACE Scholarships: Second, a high school assessment.

ACE Scholarships: A college readiness assessment.

ACE Scholarships: An assessment of students in grade 3 to measure reading grade level or a nationally norm referenced assessment.

ACE Scholarships: We’ll be sending an email with all of these options listed within that email, including links to some language that describes a bit further, what each of these assessments is, according to Utah law.

ACE Scholarships: Again, only one assessment would be required if the assessment option is the option chosen for your scholarship student.

ACE Scholarships: I want to make very clear here that if you decide to choose an assessment option for your scholarship student, that ACE Scholarships, the Program Manager, may only share their results or data from that assessment with the scholarship student and their parent. We are not able to share that assessment data with anyone else, unless it’s part of a summary that de-identifies student information. So that would be an aggregate summary of all assessment data provided to us completely de-identified.

ACE Scholarships: Proof of the assessment must be provided each year that the student participates in the UFA program if this option is chosen.

ACE Scholarships: So, if you have students that are starting off this year, and they’re in the younger grades, and you’ll be with us for a while, that’s great. That’s very exciting. Each year you’ll be given the option to choose between assessment or portfolio, and if you’re choosing assessment, a different assessment each year would need to be submitted to us. So, proof of a new assessment each year.

ACE Scholarships: The one assessment for this year would not carry on with you for the life of your participation in the program.

ACE Scholarships: Now let’s move on to option B – portfolio.

ACE Scholarships: And again, either the assessment or the portfolio would fulfill this eligibility requirement.

ACE Scholarships: A scholarship parent may provide the Program Manager, ACE Scholarships, a portfolio that describes their scholarship, students, educational opportunities and achievements under the program for the given year.

ACE Scholarships: So, similarly to what I just stated about assessments, if you’re here with us for a couple of years, a new portfolio must be provided each year that your student participates in the UFA program if this is the option that you’ve chosen for your student.

ACE Scholarships: Here on the right I have a screenshot, a little tickler, if you will, of our platform Unrulr that I’m going to speak to further.

ACE Scholarships: So, what is Unrulr? We’ve had a couple of help center articles about Unrulr that have been published for quite some time, so I’m very excited to dive a bit deeper.

ACE Scholarships: Unrulr is ACE Scholarships chosen portfolio platform and it’s a portfolio app for mobile or desktop that empowers scholarship students to tell their own story of learning. So, this portfolio really should be unique to your child and demonstrate the unique achievements of your scholarship student.

ACE Scholarships: Each learner can capture, tag, and even has the option to share learning moments with their community. Similarly, to how we share photos or videos on social media.

ACE Scholarships: Learning moments are visual, use videos, images, documents to demonstrate learning, achievements and opportunities. Whatever medium is most appropriate for you and your family.

ACE Scholarships: Unrulr allows scholarship students to focus their learning with COGS and COGS is an acronym, and that stands for Concepts, Outcomes, Goals and Skills.

ACE Scholarships: COGS are kind of like hashtags for anybody that’s used that in social media, and it allows these tags that you create for your scholarship student to be sorted and filtered by you or your scholarship student and promote self assessment. So, these are all really great, unique functionalities of the Unrulr platform that you and your family can decide how you’d like to use.

ACE Scholarships: So how does this portfolio option work? Let’s dive a bit deeper here.

ACE Scholarships: As I mentioned, student portfolios are a digital collection of photos, videos, can be audio recordings, PDF’s or written reflections. Really, the sky is the limit.

ACE Scholarships: A scholarship student gets to choose how and when to tell their own learning story.

ACE Scholarships: A couple of important notes here about Unrulr and the portfolio option.

ACE Scholarships: Unrulr is very easy access. You’ll be able to log into Unrulr, if that’s the option that you choose, right from your ACE Access platform using single sign on account. And what that means is you’re going to sign in with the exact same credentials that you use for your ACE Access portal.

ACE Scholarships: You don’t have to remember a separate username or password. I know we get bogged down with lots of those these days. That’s why we’ve created single sign on. So, with a click of a button, you’re transferred over to Unrulr without having to log in again.

ACE Scholarships: I want to reiterate here. There’s a one-time post requirement. So simply add at least one learning update to your child scholarship portfolio before the scholarship period ends in June 2025. That’s all it takes to meet your requirement

ACE Scholarships: I also want to point out privacy, which is very important to us at ACE. Unrulr portfolios are a private space accessible only to the scholarship student and their parent, and of course shared with us, the Utah Fits All Program Manager, in order to ensure your students continued eligibility for the program in future years.

ACE Scholarships: A bit more about Unrulr, because I know it’s unique, and I can’t imagine that many of us have experience with Unrulr. So, I wanted to demonstrate a couple of more screens, but on one what Unrulr is about again, it’s our portfolio platform. So, for those of us just joining you have the option to select either an assessment or a portfolio to meet your eligibility requirement for the school year.

ACE Scholarships: If you choose the portfolio option in ACE Access, a button will appear in your ACE Access platform that allows you to sign in with the same username and password again as ACE Access, it’s called single sign on. So, I have a demonstration here that once you’ve made that selection, you’ll see that Unrulr sign in button there, and that will always be present to you to zip on over to Unrulr and start making some learning moments with your student.

ACE Scholarships: You’ll see here there’s also a toggle option for assessments. So, as I mentioned earlier, each of your students may have a unique need which leads you to choose different options for different scholarship students in your household.

ACE Scholarships: So, you’d be able to simply toggle between these 2 areas here on Unrulr, portfolio for one student, perhaps, and assessment for another all on the same screen.

ACE Scholarships: So, a brief video, just about a minute and a half of what an Unrulr host could look like.

ACE Scholarships: Excuse me one second while I find this, I lost my video, too many screens open.

ACE Scholarships: Okay? Well, we’ll go ahead and show that another time.

ACE Scholarships: Now, I’d like to dive into expenses

ACE Scholarships: Within the topic of expenses, I’m going to speak to receipts and reimbursements, the pre-approval process, and changes to the expense list.

ACE Scholarships: We’ve gotten some really, really wonderful questions from our Utah Fits All families regarding receipts and the reimbursement process. So, I’d love to provide some clarification here.

ACE Scholarships: Here’s a photo of a Zelle or Venmo receipt.

ACE Scholarships: Parents are wondering, can I shop on ebay? Can I use Facebook marketplace? Would I be able to provide a receipt like Zelle or Venmo? Absolutely, you can.

ACE Scholarships: So, when shopping, using one of these platforms, you will need to provide a screenshot of the item listing. So, let’s say, for example, you’re purchasing a school desk for your child. Well, we would need something a bit more specific than that, so you could say, a desk for Jackie.

ACE Scholarships: In addition to the fields described here, receipts from apps must include the seller’s name, which match the listing that you purchased from which should be easy, because you’re making the payment directly to that seller.

ACE Scholarships: And an itemized description of what was purchased, including quantities and prices. So, let’s say, for example, you’re purchasing a science curriculum and a textbook. You would simply list in the ‘what’s this for’ area, science textbook and science curriculum. And then the total cost of the item would match the listing on one of these different platforms that you’d be shopping on.

ACE Scholarships: So even though this is just one copy of a receipt, one sample, we will accept receipts from Zelle Venmo, Paypal cash app as long as it has these different components in in within it, and that there is an itemized description of the items that were purchased along with a screenshot of the listing.

ACE Scholarships: Now let’s talk about just generic store receipts.

ACE Scholarships: Just have a simple graphic here of a receipt.

ACE Scholarships: You may only seek reimbursement in Classwallet if you’ve signed the affidavit.

ACE Scholarships: Now as a reminder, there is a copy of that affidavit on our families page. About halfway down there is a button that says, ‘view the affidavit’. That affidavit will not be available in Classwallet until August 7th, the funding date for scholarship accounts, so you haven’t missed anything in Classwallet, but you can view the affidavit ahead of time. Be prepared for signing it by going to our families page and clicking ‘View the affidavit’ until you sign the affidavit in Classwallet. That won’t be available until August 7, when scholarship funds are dispersed into accounts. Until you’ve signed that, the balance on the account will say 0.

ACE Scholarships: As soon as you sign the affidavit, then you will see your student’s scholarship balance, so I don’t want anyone to worry or panic when on August 7th they log in, and they don’t see a balance there. That’s likely because you’ve not signed the affidavit. As soon as you sign the affidavit, you’ll see the balance in your scholarship students account. Just want to be very clear about that.

ACE Scholarships: Additionally, you will not be able to start processing reimbursements unless you’ve linked your own personal bank account. And that’s pretty self explanatory. And if you’re seeking reimbursement, we’re going to need a way to pay you that reimbursement amount, so you’ll see a button on the Classwallet dashboard that allows you to link your personal bank account, and that’s actually available to you now. So, all of our awarded families should have an email from us with some instructions on how to access Classwallet.

ACE Scholarships: If you don’t have that email or you’ve misplaced it, or you’d like some further guidance. Please reach out to our team. We’re happy to assist you, but you can go ahead and link your personal bank account now, but you may not sign the affidavit until August 7.th Just want to make sure that’s very clear.

ACE Scholarships: There is no limit to the number of reimbursement requests that you may file in a day in a week, or all school year. There is no limit.

ACE Scholarships: You may submit as many as you like.

ACE Scholarships: I want to be very clear that one receipt may not be split across scholarship students. So, if this receipt here was, for example, from Target and I bought a couple of backpacks and some books and some crayons. You can’t split that receipt across different students – that will have to be uploaded into one students’ account.

ACE Scholarships: Additionally, receipts may only include approved expenses. Receipts that include non-approved items will be denied. So as good practice, I put my HSA items on the belt, and then I put the little divider, and then I put my non HSA items. It would be the same for ESA so for your UFA Scholarship Funds, you can go ahead and place whatever items would be approved expenses in one kind of section.

ACE Scholarships: Put the little divider and put your other things so that you’re sure that they make they make their way onto 2 separate receipts, so there’s no delay in your receipt processing.

ACE Scholarships: I want to be clear that reimbursements are processed in the order in which they’re received. So, there is no prioritization to reimbursements. They come in, in chronological order into a queue that our customer support team will be processing. If an item requires pre-approval, and we don’t see a notification attached there, it may delay the approval process because we’re going to reach out to you, so we won’t deny the expense.

ACE Scholarships: But we’ll put the expensing Classwallet on hold, and we’ll conduct some outreach to that parent and inquire about the pre-approval form.

ACE Scholarships: If at that time you’ve not yet requested pre-approval for an item that requires it, you may go and do so. That’s not a problem, and your expense will remain on hold until we receive that pre-approval form from you, and then we can process your expense and Classwallet your reimbursement. So just want to be very clear there. We do not push expenses or reimbursements that don’t have a pre-approval to the bottom of a list or deprioritize them in any way. They are completely processed in the order in which they are received.

ACE Scholarships: Many of you are likely familiar with our pre-approval process right now. Pre-approval requests are also processed in the order in which they are received.

ACE Scholarships: We do require you provide us information on why this item is the best fit for your child. So, if you’ve filled out a pre-approval request, you know that what we require is, what is the intended use of this item, and what’s the justification for it?

ACE Scholarships: So, there are some examples that are in our help center articles on a couple of different types of expenses and the difference. There’s a help center article explicitly about the difference between intended use and justification. And again, we want to ensure that the justification is tied directly to the education of the student, because that’s what these funds are intended for.

ACE Scholarships: So many, many pre-approval requests have come in with some really outstanding justifications. It’s so rewarding and so exciting to see how families are utilizing lots of different materials for the education of their children.

ACE Scholarships: One really really great pattern of questions that we’ve received is asking us to help families understand what the difference is between something that’s educational, something that’s extracurricular, and then kind of all others which we’ve bucketed into recreational. So let me go ahead and explain that.

ACE Scholarships: Educational expenses refer to costs associated with obtaining education or training. So, this could be a class, a course, a lesson, a program, some sort of instruction is being provided.

ACE Scholarships: This could include tuition fees, books, supplies, equipment, and other related costs to the education of your child.

ACE Scholarships: Now, as many of you know, one of the line items in our law is expenses related to extracurriculars. So let me go ahead and define what that means.

ACE Scholarships: Extracurriculars refer to costs associated with activities outside of the regular academic curriculum. And if you were to Google extracurricular, this is likely the definition that you would find.

ACE Scholarships: This could include fees for sports, teams, music lessons, art classes and other activities that students participate in outside of their standard coursework.
ACE Scholarships: Extracurricular activities can provide students with valuable educational experiences and skills beyond the classroom.

ACE Scholarships: I want to be very clear here that when we consider extracurricular activities, there’s an instructor, a teacher, a tutor, or a scholarship parent present and leading the activity. There’s instruction happening. There’s skill development happening which makes extracurricular activities really exciting

ACE Scholarships: For some of our extracurricular activities, pre-approval may be required.

ACE Scholarships: Now we get to the topic of recreational.

ACE Scholarships: As I’m sure many of you would understand, recreational are costs associated with entertainment or leisure and activities that don’t necessarily include an instructor, a lesson, or a class. Utah Fits All law doesn’t have recreational activities listed in it. And so these types of activities would be considered prohibited expenses. So many, many of the pre-approvals that we’ve seen so far are, of course, for educational and extracurricular activities.

ACE Scholarships: I also want to point out that following this webinar, there will be a help center article with these explicit definitions and a bit more clarification on our help center. It’s not been published yet, but it will be shortly.

ACE Scholarships: Now again, I’m sure many of you are familiar with our expense list. We are so proud that our expense list has over 300 items for families to browse through or to search for.

ACE Scholarships: Now, we’ve made some really important updates that I want to articulate today.

ACE Scholarships: And provide some clarification about the purpose of the expense list.

ACE Scholarships: The expense list was developed to offer guidance and provide clarification on categories of items that could be purchased using scholarship funds.

ACE Scholarships: There is no way, of course, that this could ever serve as an exhaustive list of all the amazing ways that families plan to educate their children or the tools that they plan to use to do so. So, I don’t want anybody to treat this as an exhaustive list of everything.

ACE Scholarships: Now we have taken a lot of time through thoughtful deliberation, and we’ve consulted with the National Expense Committee specializing in education scholarship accounts that led us to make some really important and wonderful and helpful changes to our expense list that are going to go into effect today, Tuesday, July 16th.

ACE Scholarships: Again, I want to take a moment, and just and just say that we have learned so much from our UFA families, and I and I want to thank you all for your very, very thoughtful questions and comments, many, many of which I’ve reviewed myself in addition to our customer support team. It’s your input and your help that really drive our very important program improvements.

ACE Scholarships: I am also very committed as I step into taking over day to day operations of the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program, I’m committed to ensuring that each family feels confident when making purchases, using their scholarship funds and that they will receive consistent answers from our customer support team going forward.

ACE Scholarships: Next, I want to articulate that ACE recognizes the potential for program expansion. And that’s really exciting. When we think about how large this program can grow and how big it already is.

ACE Scholarships: Any actions that we’re taking directly, align with our long term goal of seeing this program expand and broaden across the State of Utah. Allowing more than 10,000 students to participate in our upcoming years.

ACE Scholarships: I recognize honestly that there may be some families who don’t necessarily agree with every decision that we make as the Program Manager of the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program, but I am definitely committed to making sure that our decisions provide information that families can count on as they make decisions for the unique needs of their scholarship students.

ACE Scholarships: Excited to announce, based on feedback, that we’ve received, that a new status of pre-approval requirements will be added to clearly differentiate which items can be purchased without pre-approval needed. That was some really wonderful feedback that we’ve gotten from our UFA families.

ACE Scholarships: Previously, when you would search an item, it might come up as approved and pre-approval required, and we understood how that could pose some confusion. So, what will be upcoming if you’re in the list right now. You won’t see that quite yet. But what is going to be upcoming is that there will be this new status of pre-approval required, so you can see very clearly which items will require that.

ACE Scholarships: Now, of course, on occasion, we’re going to expect to add items to this expense list, and that’s really to offer increased flexibility and confidence in using UFA funds. So, if you don’t see an item on the list, seek pre-approval. We are analyzing and evaluating all, each and every one of the Pre-approvals that are coming through to identify velocity of different items being requested, and then we can evaluate, if they will be added to the list. So, we are excited to continue to add items to our list again, to promote confidence in spending ESA funds.

ACE Scholarships: We’ve also identified some opportunities to condense items to keep searching easy for families. We did that with the new launch, the relaunch of the expense list on July 1st and we’ll continue to do so where we find opportunities to do that.

ACE Scholarships: Additionally, some items have been removed from the list to maintain integrity and effectiveness of the program.

ACE Scholarships: So, you may see some line items or some examples within some line items that you that you didn’t see before.

ACE Scholarships: This does not mean that those items are prohibited. The only items that are prohibited at this time are the items that you will explicitly see on our prohibited items list. So again, if you don’t see an item there, and it might have previously been there. Just reach out and seek pre-approval for that particular item.

ACE Scholarships: I encourage you all to check the list before making a purchase, to ensure that you’re informed, and again I have a staunch commitment to ensuring that you can shop with confidence, and that you will receive consistent information to allow you to spend on the tools that you will need to educate your scholarship student.

ACE Scholarships: Now, I also want to articulate that any purchase made for any item for which you’ve been provided pre-approval will absolutely be honored for a one-time purchase, even if it’s been removed from the expense list. So, I’ll give you an example.

ACE Scholarships: The gardening category has been removed because it really falls under extracurricular expenses. So, these items certainly aren’t prohibited, but you won’t see an explicit category for that anymore. So, if there’s a particular item and you are educating your child in gardening, and you have a great activity that’s planned to further their skill, development, and knowledge in the area of gardening, that’s great. But you might not see that explicit category there anymore, because we really felt like it fit within a different category. So, we’re just trying to do some condensing and some cleanup to make searching much more easy and intuitive.

ACE Scholarships: Additionally, there was a separate category for locations, and again, that will be removed but hasn’t been yet. So, if you’re in the list, you won’t see that quite yet, but it seems redundant. We had a category for educational experiences and field trips, and so we just want to make sure that that’s clean and easy for families to navigate. So, does that mean that those locations will be prohibited? Not necessarily. It just means we’re trying to make the searching for the expense list a lot easier and intuitive for families.

ACE Scholarships: I know we’ve gotten a lot of pre-approval requests for memberships and passes. And this is an area I wanted to speak specifically to, because it’s very important. And I know that there were many, many questions and a lot of confusion around these different types of memberships and passes and day passes and tickets. And they’re called all sorts of different things.

ACE Scholarships: So first and foremost, I’ve removed the limitation of 5 memberships and one PE membership. I know that that was very confusing. There will no longer be a limitation on those memberships.

ACE Scholarships: Memberships will be approved for scholarship students and one chaperone per family. We understand that chaperones are needed to be with their children in order for their children to have these educational experiences. So, we’re absolutely willing to allow a membership for that. One chaperone per family.

ACE Scholarships: Season passes will be approved for scholarship students and one chaperone per family. And again, if you have a student who qualifies for one-to-one support and needs an additional chaperone to help you navigate that experience that will be considered through our pre-approval process.

ACE Scholarships: And that’s been a policy that we’ve had in place. That’s no different. That won’t change.

ACE Scholarships: Going to want to articulate, this is very important for the purchase of any item for which you already have been provided, pre-approval will be honored for that one-time purchase, even if you don’t see it on the list. So, I just want to make sure that families are confident that if they’ve already sought pre-approval, and our team has let you know that that item or expense is approved, that you can shop with confidence that that will be honored even if you go back into the list, and you don’t see that explicit item on there.

ACE Scholarships: Just want to make sure that’s very clear that no one has to worry about any pre-approvals they’ve already received.

ACE Scholarships: I’m excited to announce two of our upcoming events that hopefully you plan to register, for if you haven’t already, the first is our August 6th lunch and learn that will be again at 12 PM. Mountain time.

ACE Scholarships: Topics are forthcoming. I have some really great feedback from a lot of families, and we’ll be getting very, very close to our funding day, so we’ll be talking a bit more about funding day. Additionally, funding day is August 7th So again, that is the day that your scholarship funds will be dispersed into your students accounts. You will not see a balance until you sign that affidavit, so as soon as the affidavit is signed, you will see a balance in your student’s account.

ACE Scholarships: I also encourage you to participate later today in our Classwallet webinar for families for account holders and if you know of any providers, or you are one yourself.

ACE Scholarships: We do have an upcoming provider Webinar, that our partner, Classwallet will be hosting next Tuesday, the 23rd. So, if those aren’t on your radar already, and you’ve not yet registered please make sure you do so we’ll be this afternoon. We’ll be exploring the Classwallet date dashboard for parents. So, going through a bit of the process for reimbursements, the marketplace and direct pay. So. it’s really exciting some more information to come on that and then the webinar for our providers will be next week on Tuesday.

ACE Scholarships: So, to close, thank you so much for your attention today, lots of exciting developments happening with Utah Fits All. I appreciate everyone’s participation today. And again, we’re so grateful to have you all here. And we’re so committed to making sure that you have information for this robust program. We’re really excited to see how your scholarship students are going to utilize the program for the upcoming year.

ACE Scholarships: Norton. I don’t know if you wanted to say anything in closing before we wrap up today.

Norton Rainey: Yeah, thanks again, Jackie. Thanks to all the parents, we sure appreciate you. And we hope you find this helpful as well, too. We really do want this to be as informative and as clear as it possibly can be and, we’re really pleased to come along your side and make this process as seamless as we can.

Norton Rainey: An email will be sent out after from Jackie and the team here, letting you know which changes have been made to our expenses. And again, if you have any questions, make sure that you reach out to our customer service team, we will get back to you very promptly.

Norton Rainey: And thanks again for all you’re doing. This work is not possible without you have a great day.

ACE Scholarships: Thank you, Norton. Thank you, everyone. Take care.